Samba Lamento

Check out my arrangement of Samba Lamento, recorded by Big Band Friesland, featuring Ella de Jong and Jeroen Divilee. Recorded and mixed by Hans Wijnbergen at Rode Hert Studio’s.

      1. Samba Lamento
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Yesterday we recorded the trombone-section with sousaphone for Samba Lamento. What a great sound! Jeroen played a fantastic solo on this chart.

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Just started arranging “Chronos”. Wanted to do a little serie of “James Farm-pieces” because i’m a fan! I started with “Polliwog” and did “Two Steps” after. Now the final piece: “Chronos”. My Christmas-present was a book about Greek gods by Stephen Fry. Let’s see what comes out…

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Two Steps

Listen to Bigband Friesland playing Two Steps by James Farm.

      1. Two Steps
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