Last weekend we recorded most of the trumpets parts at Key Studio’s Akkrum. One more session to go!

Just started recording the new Punk ‘N Jazz Album at the amazing Key Studios in Akkrum. I wrote 6 new arrangements for this record. First session was great!
24K Magic/Cake by the ocean (Bruno Mars/DNCE)
Ex’s and Oh’s (Elle King)
Fell on Black Days (Soundgarden)
Heartshaped Box (Nirvana)
Overdrive (arr./comp. Steven Sluiter)
The Pretender (Foo Fighters)
Today we recorded the trumpet section for my arrangement of SambaLamento. This will feature Ella de Jong(vocals) and Jeroen Devilee(trombone).
Bigband Friesland is recording my arrangement on Two Steps (James Farm).
Two new YouTube video’s by Punk ‘N Jazz Orchestra. New album coming up!
In december en januari gaan het Noordpool Orkest het land door met Paul van Vliet! Voor speeldata klink hier